I am an IMPRS-IS PhD scholar jointly supervised by Dr. Ksenia Keplinger (leader of the “Organizational Leadership & Diversity” research group) at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Dr. Michael Sedlmair (leader of the “Visualization and Virtual/Augmented Reality” research group) at the University of Stuttgart.

I completed my M.Sc. degree in Informatics from the Technical University of Munich in the year 2020, specialising at the intersection of Machine Learning/Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing.

I worked as a Data Scientist in an inter-disciplinary environment, working in close collaboration with social scientists, journalists and geo-political experts. I have worked on tasks such as sentiment and stance detection, analyzing the propagation of fake news and language traits (toxicity and hate speech) among social media users, to name a few. As a part of my work, prior to starting my research journey, I worked towards developing creative approaches with the aim to foster intercultural understanding in an interdisciplinary environment. In doing so, I realized that there exists a gap between industry expectations and academic research. As a part of my research, I wish to address this gap and am inclined on leveraging the benefits of my research in a manner that can be utilized across various domains.


Artificial Intelligence, Natual Language Processing, Computer and Society, Organisational Diversity, Computing in Social science